About Me

I'm a fifth and final year Computer Science PhD candidate at Binghamton University, where I lead a team of graduate students under the supervision of professor Kanad Ghose. We are developing machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision perception algorithms to enable autonomous navigation of quadrotor drones and ground vehicle platforms.

Lastest Work

Currently expanding the idea of CNN-based object detection to incorporate structural object detection using a YOLOv3 object detector. The general idea is to detect and locate navigational markers such as walls, doors, intersections, poster boards, etc. in order to extrapolate localization points that permit a quadrotor drone to localize itself and successfully navigate autonomously through indoor environments. Please see following video:



Throughout my research years I have worked on a variety of ground and aerial robotic projects. Some of these include:


Email: agarcia3@binghamton.edu

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrianogarciacv

ResearchGate: Adriano Garcia on ResearchGate